It’s finally here!!! Read The PRFAQ Framework book and transform how you and your organization innovate. Whether you are a founder, a product manager, an executive, or an investor, the PRFAQ framework helps you think critically, articulate ideas, and inspire people to act.

The PRFAQ Framework was invented by Amazon as part of the Working Backwards practices. It’s a tried-and-true system of evolving and vetting strategic decisions—from creating a whole new business to improving an internal process. This book adapts the Amazon PRFAQ and makes it practical for anyone to adopt.

Many good ideas or opportunities don’t get the green light because people don’t know how to explain them well. In most organizations, people work in silos without consulting those who are closer to the information they need. Startup founders often make enormous leaps of faith when they could eliminate uncertainty and improve decision-making by just knowing what to look for or how to ask advisors, mentors, and investors. Too many professionals are not clear about why they are doing the activities they are doing, or even which direction they are moving towards.

The PRFAQ framework addresses many of these problems and much more!

The book covers the value of narratives as a tool for critical thinking and to evolve ideas. It dives into precise writing so that conversations are based on facts, and assumptions are called out. It explains the PRFAQ document, its style, format, and content. The book also provides a step-by-step method to create and use PRFAQs within your organization.

If you read Working Backwards, Measure What Matters, or Inspired/Empowered, you’ll enjoy this book. PRFAQs are a crucial framework to bring vision and strategy to any project for a new business, product, program, or service — or changes to existing ones.

Buy it today!